Observation of the disloyal behaviours of the sales section and the shopping one
Observation of the disloyal behaviours of the sales section and the shopping one
- Disloyalty of the distributors
- Control of the visits
- Falsification of the visits rapports. Faking the expenses
- Parallel activity with the competitors
- Performance decrease
- Alcoholism, drug-addiction, addiction to gambling
- Commissions to external people
- Breach of the professional secret
- Control of the transportation net and distribution
- Robbery
The irregularity that happen in this sector and can be investigated, appear in the Worker’s Estatute:
- generically, it is called breach of the contractual good faith
- specifically it is: the acts that constitute fraud or betrayal of trust that are carried out by the worker
- disloyal concurrence
- and also robbery to the company
- Control of visits, time, kilometres, expenses
- Treatment of the clients
- Control of the supplied material
- Supervision of the buying staff. Relationship with suppliers
- Evidence with pictures, footage and hidden cameras
- Technical equipment: fixed microcameras, voice recorders…
- Undercover detectives in the commercial net