It is a way of practising the unfair competition that is especially damaging for professionals and enterprises
It is a way of practising the unfair competition that is especially damaging for professionals and enterprises. It is also a concern for professional associations.
Our investigation team will demonstrate the performance of a job or profession without the required authorisation or degree.
Professional interference can be prosecuted, either by civil law (unfair competition law) or by public administration (rules that regulate the performance of certain professions or jobs) or by the penalty system (penalty types that reproach this performance)
-Observation and control of possible interferers
-It will be established which is the professional activity of those
-We will verify if they have the appropriate degree or professional authorisation
-We will demonstrate, if that is the case, that in the precincts or offices where they carry out their activities, they do develop the professional activity which they are not entitled to perform.